Saturday, August 21, 2010

Would you like America to keep buying billions of dollars worth of oil from Iraq?

... or would you like for America to drill for our own oil NOW, and let our money stay here, give Americans thousands upon thousands of jobs, and become an energy independent nation? McCain/Palin 2008!Would you like America to keep buying billions of dollars worth of oil from Iraq?
It kills me to see the flood of money going to other countries to pay for what we already have. This makes no sense at all. I live in Alaska and we have vast untapped reserves of oil and natural gas that rivals anywhere else in the world and we just seem to be sitting on it and wringing our hands while other countries get rich while we do nothing for ourselves. It's all this party politics holding us back and taking away good paying jobs for the thousands of people who should be working bringing our own oil and gas to market.Would you like America to keep buying billions of dollars worth of oil from Iraq?

Americans benefit from buying oil. We use it every day. The idea to drill here if it is a better deal to buy it from abroad is illogical, and against free market.

Advice of the founding fathers would be to trade with all, and stay out of their politics. This way, both benefit.

*I am not against drilling here one bit - it should be an option, however an option that is only chosen if it is the most affordable way to get oil because then it would have been chosen completely by the free market and not central planners. Im sure one day oil from here WOULD be the more affordable option, that is when we drop external sources and drill what we can.
Take in mind that you have done no research at all. Time to get informed retard. Another retarded Obamabot.

2.2% of our oil is from Iraq... That's not even enough oil for New York City...

Side Note: WMD's have been found in Iraq!!!

Now Iraq was going to give us a stellar deal on oil to help pay back the money we have been putting into their country... Well since we have so many RULES and REGULATIONS for a country to sell to us... They decided to give the deal to China, who doesn't have Rules and Regulations. Thank you democrats for all this saving the earth crap and the global warming farce.

I have the best plan.

Drill for oil in the Gulf and Alaska

Make Nuclear Power Plants

Destroy all Coal Plants

Make Coal to Oil Plants (Less than 35.00 a barrel oh and did i mention that the US has the biggest coal reserves in the world!!)

Destroy all ethanol plants (takes more energy to make and use then the worth)(food prices go up because more farmers are farming corn now instead of needed foods that would be in surplus)

For the Intelligent people of this country, read below.

Barack Obama

140 DAY Junior Senator

Voted 97% Liberal when he didn't vote Present meaning he didn't go against the party for reform

Raising Taxes

Socialist Policies

-Paul D. Alinsky was his teacher, and mentor. (known for his socialist teachings)

-Wants to be Robin Hood and take from the Middle and Upper class and give to the poor. Taking from SCORP a lot of middle class and then give it to the poor who are unprivileged... How can you people be against success? Just because they are successful you resent them. If you want to earn money, go out and get an education and get a better job.

- Wants to continue giving money to other countries that hate and resent us.

Has Communist from the 1968 DNC Rebellion in his camp.

Has Advocated Change

- Has not been involved with Change in Chicago

- Has not been involved with Change in Illinois

- Has not been involved with change in Washington

- His VP choice has been in the Senate for 24 years and has been apart of so many corrupt bills its not even countable on my hands and toes combined.

Received Earmarks for his campaign and for his wife's business.

Believes in Global Warming (So Does McCain)

Wants to make ';Government Cool';

Clueless about Foreign Policy

Clueless about Military Tactics and Policy

Does it get any more simpler than this? Yeah you can call me some fear mongering idiot... I am not the one thinking global warming is real, a 5th grader can debunk if he takes the time out to look at the facts. Ask anyone who believes it about the 7 other Ice Ages before our ';Man Made';. I guess Dino was using Coal plants.


Liberals are around and will give negative reviews when you post the truth!!!
U S have the oil and they not buying from Iraq. we getting it from Saudi Arabia and Valenzuela . Iraq selling to China. this is a game on the American people to get as much money as they can before the world war that coming and the death of america unless the people of this country get it act TOGETHER and throw these bum out of office for the lies they tell to the american public
Drill Here, Drill Now!

America needs to become energy independent as soon as possible. Congress is against this and everyone should do their part to let our voices be heard by this do nothing Congress.

Vote Smart!

Consider Your Children and Grand-Children;

Their Future Is In Our Voting Hands!

Country First!

United We Stand, Divided We Fall!
I will give you $100.00 if you can tell me where most of out oil comes from

Times up! I gave you plenty of time to look it up. Most of our oil is imported from Canada. Most of the oil we pump is sold abroad. They don't pump our oil when it is cheap, quite patriotic of them don't you think
colo, it comes from the SAUDIS! King abdullah can strangle us if he wanted. We must break our addiction
buying? HA! you mean like when you go to a buffet and BUY yourself a few extra plates. Yeeeha go McCain. Seriously if you didn't learn anything in the last 8 years, you deserve the next 4. Hope he does win.
I want to drill here, I want more refineries here and I want more natural gas, wind, solar and any other viable source of energy to be used, We must get away from our dependency on foreign oil.
People always talking about how many years it will take, they dont realize the infrastructure is already in place e.g. pipelines etc.
We should drill here and stop being dependent on foreign sources for our energy needs. The sooner we start the faster it becomes reality.^
It is better to buy oil rather than use the own resources for preservation.
Hey Colo! It's Canada!

I want my 10 points!

Dr.Elle, I agree we need to drill here in the USA but I have never seen a quart of oil that came from Iraq.
Environment %26gt; Lower gas prices

Why do you think I support McCain all along ?
We have to rely on foreign oil. Please don't boycott anyone but Hollywood political scientists. Then, over time we can begin to convert to natural gas and solar and hydrogen and wind and ethanol.
keep in mind it takes time to drill it doesn't happen over night it takes years just to start.

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