Monday, August 23, 2010

I bought some water soluble oil paints...what can I use as a medium?

Also, since they are water soluable, can I mix them with acrylics?I bought some water soluble oil paints...what can I use as a medium?
No, you cannot mix these with acrylics - they are still OIL paints made with linseed oil just like traditional oils. The only difference is the linseed oil is modified to become soluble in water to make cleaning up easier.

You cannot use water as a medium - it doesn't mix properly. There are mediums made especially for use with water-miscible oils - both modified linseed oil and fast-drying mediums made by Winsor %26amp; Newton, Lukas, etc.

It's also ok to mix these with regular linseed oil or painting mediums, or turpentine or odourless solvents - but these negate the water-cleanup that makes this paint so popular.

Check out your local art supplies store, they should have what you need. Have fun with it!I bought some water soluble oil paints...what can I use as a medium?
I think I remember trying this kind of paint. I think they are just slow drying acrylic or fast drying oil! I believe you can mix acrylic ..experiment. Otherwise you can just use regular medium or ..water.
Anything your wee heart desires! And yes if the medium is water soluable it is quite likely you can intermix the mediums but whatch out for colour seperation. It may or may not occur.
No, joy know what she is talking about, the others dont.

Water miscable oils are oil + pigment and an adative is included so it reacts and breaks up in water. The advantage of using water miscable oils, is that you can clean them and not need any turps or other harsh solvents. While some artists do use water to thin the paint up a lil, its definetly not advised to do it too much or in excess , otherwise the stabaility is sacrificed.

You can use water miscable mediums, or any traditional oil mediums and products. If you use too much non water soluble mediums though, you loose the ability to clean them out with just water and will need to clean them out like any other oil paint.
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