Wednesday, August 18, 2010

How badly would a nationwide boycott, where people bought no gasoline for a week, hurt the big oil companies?

I think the oil companies take advantage simply because they can. It might make an impression if people made a concerted effort to ride bikes, walk, take public transportation, carpool - anything to avoid driving.How badly would a nationwide boycott, where people bought no gasoline for a week, hurt the big oil companies?
you are right about be taken advantage of. since we all need to fill up sooner or later will not do anything to the company.How badly would a nationwide boycott, where people bought no gasoline for a week, hurt the big oil companies?
I don't think it would do a bit of good to boycott the gas stations for one day or one week but what if we all totally stopped buying gas from one major gas station like.. Shell? We can't change a thing by ourselves but as a Nation, we can really put the hurt on them. Turquoise Report Abuse

I think Americas attitude of ';entitlement'; when it comes to oil/gas is one of the leading reasons people in other countries view AMERICANS negatively.

I AM AN AMERICAN and I have been sick of this attitude for years!!!

When gas gets too expensive we will.....

1. find other sources of energy.

2. Destroy the world utterly

Makes me wanna puke when I watch the news and see guy in BIG BIG 4 x 4 pickup truck. The deluxe edition. Sits three feet off the ground and has RAM hood ornament with Red flashing LED eyes. Smoke comes out of its nostrils. And the driver is complaining, nay, fretting about high price of gas!

I think bio diesel going to get BIG push.

that will be good.

Not as bad as you might think. What would really hurt them is to switch to a more fuel efficient means of transportation for ourselves and our products(that is what REALLY scares them). A boycott would be followed by people filling up their tanks - IE more profit.
I just don't believe it would ever happen, we are so dependent upon what the big oil companies supply that they don't worry about us not using it. Even if we were some how able to pull it off they have such huge profits that a week wouldn't bother them.
Would never happen. Especially as some of us have 25 mile commutes to work (and don't tell me to move closer; everywhere closer to work is either slums or too expensive).
If it were possible to do so, it would do some MAJOR damage to their pockets!
Assuming that it would be possible to do so, it would have little impact.

The logistics of organizing such a thing would probably negate any ';short term'; financial hardship on the oil companies.

One BIG reason, is that consumers would have to horde gas in preparation for the boycott. They would have to buy at least enough gas before the boycott began so as to have enough gas to make it through the boycott. This may even be seen as sort of a windfall to the oil companies, given the fact that today's consumer rarely ';Fills Up,'; but instead buys gas a little at the time.
It would hurt small business and the average low income worker the most. Those companies own us and they know it. they are big enough to sustain several large hits. Maybe the effort should be more permanent?.......
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