Monday, July 26, 2010

I bought a used car and the oil was last changed on december of 2006, should i change the oil?

The car has 71,000 miles and the next oil change is due when the car has 72,000 miles but the last oil change was about a year and some months ago. I noticed that when I drive the car sometimes it starts shaking, kinda like it wants to stop. Auto machanics have checked the car and say they don't find anything wrong. Could it be the oil that causes the car to shake sometimes i use it?I bought a used car and the oil was last changed on december of 2006, should i change the oil?
';NO MATTER WHAT!'; Never Go Past 10 Months on an Oil %26amp; Filter Change!! Also have the System Flushed!I bought a used car and the oil was last changed on december of 2006, should i change the oil?
(YES) averry 6 monuth's of havey use's! teran-z all so
I doubt the oil does that but you should go ahead and change it. Cars under 15 years old typically only need oil changed every 5000 miles unless you drive stop and go constantly, then 3000. But for now go ahead and get it changed. I would find a different mechanic to find the source of the shaking; that isn't right to be doing that.
no but change the oil
Yes, please change it, every 3,000 miles or 3 months, which ever comes first. Unless the car has synthetic.
no shaking cause by lack of oil change unless internal engine component has a failure. at least change oil once a year. ideally every 3 months or 3000 miles, with everday driving.
I dont know about the shakes but you are to change your oil every 3000 mi or 3 months, whatever comes first. I would be to be on the safe side. Sounds like it has sat awhile, so maybe moisture is in it.

The shakeing might be from moisture in the gas tank, try some ';HEET'; in it first or some type of gas stabilizer.
wouldn't have anything to do with the oil change.

try a set of spark plugs
It wouldn't hurt to change the oil, just for piece of mind. It sounds more likely that you have a fuel problem though, with the car shaking and wanting to stall.
please change every 3000 miles are 3 months shaking could be anything like just replaceing fuel filter and i would strongly recommend that if you have that long on your oil you do complete tune up plugs wire cap button,pvc valve fuel filter
Change the oil.

It's an inexpensive maintenance procedure.

If you didn't change it and a mechanical failure occurred before 72000 you'd be out a lot more $.

Many sources recommend changing the oil every 3-5 thousand miles or every 3-4 months which ever comes first.

Your car is way overdue based on the time the oil was changed last.

The shaking? I don't know?
yes change it.
I really don't know what to tell you...I have a ford explorer and it used to shake then the drive shaft sheared off the rear and I managed to find a replacement part and changed it out myself and all the shaking and alot of the noises stopped. If you have a front wheel drive vehicle this will not be your problem. Take it to a mechanic not to the people that sold it to you and have them run a diagnostic check. It might be something as simple as a fuel filter. Good luck!

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