Friday, July 30, 2010

What are the best Web sites to buy natural candles (scented and unscented), natural incense, and oils?

As I purchase candles and incense for a party, I am interested in being more environmentally friendly this time around. What are some good sites that sell natural candles and natural incense? I'd like to know what you have tried or heard about, not the first thing that came up on Google. I can look on Google by myself.What are the best Web sites to buy natural candles (scented and unscented), natural incense, and oils?
I like There are a lot of eco-conscious artists selling their wares and I like knowing that while I'm not buying local (always the greener way to go) I am at least supporting an independent artist and not some huge corporation like Dow Chemical or something.

The Body Shop does have those reed and essential oil diffuser kits, along with other things. Not incense exactly but I prefer them to incense anyway because I don't like the idea of filling my home with smoke.What are the best Web sites to buy natural candles (scented and unscented), natural incense, and oils?
I get all my oils from They carry essential oils, carrier oils, diffusers, and hydrosols. It's always a better value than my local store. Report Abuse

Environmentally friendly includes indoor air quality. Did you know that candles burn with a yellow light because of incomplete combustion? This produces soot particles and carbon monoxide. Incense is the same. Soot and carbon monoxide can irritate the eyes and lungs in the same way cigarette smoke does.

How about electric LED tea lights instead? The energy required by them is a fraction of that required to manufacture and ship a candle to you from across the country or around the world.

It's just a thought. Sometimes helping the global environment starts with improving the environment in your own home.

Enjoy your party ;-)

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