this 4 bucks a gallon is it time for the usa to flex its muscles ?Umm..... Why are we BUYING OIL when we can BEAT all the country's selling us oil ?
You are so right. We control Iraq, yet it pumps next to no oil, even though it was once the 3rd biggest producer in the world and could crush OPEC under our control.
Further, I think that you are right, we have a good reason to invade these places, they are running a cartel against us.
GWB is so keen on a high oil price for Texas - which is booming - that he is prepared to destroy the Republican Party and the country to keep the oil price high to January 20th 2009. It is obscene.
I think any of the candidates - Senator Obama or Senator McCain or Senator Clinton - will be able to get a lower oil price.
GWB is even using the buying program for the Strategic Petroleum Resserve to signal to OPEC that we will wear the price rises and to support the price.
It must be stopped! It is an outrage. The House should look at articles of impeachment.Umm..... Why are we BUYING OIL when we can BEAT all the country's selling us oil ?
In the 1970s the cost of gas and milk were the same milk companies gradually increased the costs of its product till it is over $4 a gallon. The cost of a car has increased by 3x everything has went up at least 3x in the past 30 years but because Gas prices came up slowly and then jumped to catch up everyone is up in arms.
Did you ever consider the cost of paying the workers to refine the oil? A lot of the cost of gas is sucked up by the cost of oil per barrel as well as the cost of refining it.
Exxon and other companies made a profit this year it is true but not from gas if you look at their books it is from several other ventures they have going all the time.
it is time for us in the USA to suck it up and take responsibility for the amount we drive and either cut back or stop whining about how much it costs to drive it.
4 bucks a gallon? You don't know how good you have it. In Japan and the UK its almost 5 bucks per gallon.
You can try to flex that US muscle if you like, but the best place to flex it will be at the gas companies because the very first thing that will happen if the US sends troops into gas producing countries is that the prices will sky rocket due to threats to the supply chain.
The very next thing that will happen is that said US muscle will go limp because it is overstretched as it is and couldn't handle fighting on so many fields while still defending the homeland.
Maybe you should have a word with US domestic oil producers and get them to ramp up production or to ramp down prices.
Are you mad? Are you suggesting that America should build colonies overseas?Would you want America to be a colony of, let's say, China, or Saudi Arabia? If you don't, why you assume that people in other countries want to an American colony? And really, do you think that the EU, Russia, China, and Australia would stand by? America would immediately be the most shunned country in the world at the mention of such an idea. Overnight America will lost all its exports, which the American economy depend upon. Countries will stop buying American bonds and the U.S. government would immediately go bankrupt. Get a brain (or better, a degree in international studies)!
We could drill in ANWR and pretend we are doing something like Bush's mentor Reagan thought. Where did that relief we were supposed to get from that Alaskan pipeline go? Oh yeah, to Japan, that's right. Thanks Reagan. Also, reports have shown that the oil from Alaska would drop gas prices maybe one cent at the most. Bush needs to lower the strategic oil reserve, it's at 92 or 93% now and if it were used, you'd see a dramatic fall in gas prices. But everytime the Democrats try to pass a bill worth anything at all, Mr. Lame Duck just vetoes it. Don't blame congress, blame your lousy excuse for a president. The oil pioneer can sit back and profit from your suffering at the gas pump.
Like the big kid stealing another kid's lunch money?
The price of oil hasn't gone up, the dollar has gone down. This is due to a spendthrift Congress spending more than we have and the fed giving free credit to wall street, so the treasury prints more money out of thin air to make up the difference. This devalues every dollar you and I earn and save.
Ron Paul is the only candidate willing to deal with boring stuff like this by actually cutting spending. The others see the ability to spend our money as more power for them, and fun, besides. They figure they should take more from us to give away, because charity feels so good - when it wasn't your money to begin with.
(In fact their approach to taxes is rather like your approach to obtaining oil. If they have the force to get it, why, what a good idea!)
Yes we as a people need to flex our collective muscle. The Environmental Protection Agency is not letting us drill for oil in our own country. And we have billions of barrels of oil still to be tapped. But our leaders whom we elected won't get off their butts let us be independent. They would rather see our
sovereignty chipped away.
You know, what good is a client state when they won't do what they are told? Iraq should be GIVING us oil. Didn't the US get rid of Saddam for 'em? What kind of gratitude is that? Actually we need to go back to the old days when the CIA engineered coups. Knock off the heads of countries that have oil and put our puppet in charge. We keep them in power, and they give us cheap oil. It's a steal!
I totally agree. Time to end the cartel. We are the most powerful country in the world. Let's prove it!
Seriously though, we should have enough power to get them to lower the cost. We need to get with China and India. Then all 3 together can demand for oil to be lowered. I think they would listen.
Yeah man, like what is all of our oil doing under their sand. Gee it is so unfair. We might just have to cut back or we can continue to be murderers in the eyes of many around the world and just take it. Didn't God bless the U.S. or at least that is what I was told as a child. For you to even ask a question like this shows what kind of person you must be. What a pity.
Ummmm...... NO.
The long-term solution should be to reduce (and hopefully eventually eliminate) our dependence on foreign oil.
we already did that. We went into Iraq to steal the oil, and we did..only problem is the oil companies did not pass on their savings to you
Liberal, tree hugging demorats have caused this because they don't want to use our resources.
Yea i heard that also.
Refining oil to gas and selling it is a 0 profit business.
The oil companies along with the drug companies own the USA.
They have been flexing for a long time....
You're right... And why am I buying tomatoes when I can kick the **** out of the scrawny guy at the produce market?
I think we all ready have an image problem. And another country all ready tried to take resources by force .It didnt end well for them. google world war II.
That wouldn't be politically correct.)
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